Thursday, July 14, 2011

Precision Peptides What is the Difference Between Melanotan I and melanotan II

We found this great article written on the difference between Melanotan I and Melanotan II research peptide. As you know Precision Peptides Carries both at the best prices available.

Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide- 6 (GHRP-6) is a synthetic hexapeptide which stimulates the release of Growth Hormone. It accomplishes this by two totally separate mechanisms. On the one hand, it amplifies your body’s natural Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) signal transduction pathway, and on the other hand, acts as a functional antagonist of the hormone which causes inhibition of GH secretion (somatostatin) (1-3).

GHRP-6 also has the benefit of being able to directly stimulate the anterior pituitary gland, resulting in increased GH release. So although my initial thoughts on the mechanism of action for this stuff was wrong, I was enthused when my research revealed that GHRP-6 induced GH secretion occurs by several mechanisms. Most importantly, those mechanisms are the induction of GHRH release from the hypothalamus, stimulation of GH release from somatotrophs, joint actions of GHRH and antagonism of somatostatin, and finally by pronounced antagonism of somatostatin action on somatotrophs (1-4). However, it bears clarification that GHRP-6 is not dependant on the GHRH pathway…it can boost your growth hormone levels without necessarily needing to elevate GHRH. This is important because if that pathway has been inhibited by long term GH use, GHRP-6 can still get your body producing and releasing GH.

Additionally, this peptide can also act on the central nervous system, (4) which can provide added benefits in neuroprotection as well as muscular strength increases for the user. Much of the strength increases we see with Anabolic Steroids in the Dihydrotestosterone family are suspected to be through a similar stimulation of the Central Nervous System. In my experience with GHRP-6 use, strength levels typically go up within the first week of starting out.

Increases in Growth Hormone levels in the body are typically accompanied by strength increases, muscle hypertrophy (growth), and lipolysis (fat loss). Other results experienced with increased GH levels are recuperative effects on joints and injuries; connective tissue strengthening and bone mineral density improvements are commonplace. Enhanced GH secretion also leads to the liver secreting more IGF-1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1), which is thought to be the primary anabolic mechanism of action for Growth Hormone. In the case of GHRP-6, I gained quite a bit of weight when I was running it at the 600mcg/day level. I think that this was probably due to overfeeding that almost always accompanied my shot contributed to this weight gain. I gained about 12lbs in 2 weeks. I think that the same way people often throw EQ into bulking cycles to increase appetite stimulation, I would suggest using GHRP-6 instead. It’s not anywhere near as anabolic, but the appetite increase is far above anything I’ve ever experienced with any anabolics.

The women I know who have used GHRP-6 all had to discontinue its use because it was making them gain weight too quickly. But then again, most of the women who I know are national level (or professional) physique competitors, and at most need an additional 5-10lbs of muscle at most. GHRP-6 just put too much weight on them too quickly.

After experimenting with GHRP-6 for weight gain, I lowered the dose substantially and used it to help rehab a knee injury that had been bothering me for a couple of years. In this case, I lowered it to 100mcg/day, shot sub-q into the knee (ouch!). At this dose you won’t find the extreme hunger that a high dose of it usually causes, and a 5mg bottle of GHRP-6 is going to last for months, and I’m confidant that it’s going to be enough to rehab virtually any injury (in my case, I had done extensive damage to my knee over the years, culminating in a traumatic injury playing on turf…which resulted in my semi-retirement from competitive athletics). Anyway, I combined GHRP-6 with a knee rehab protocol designed by an M.A., and advice from one of my research assistants, who has a degree in Sports Medicine. Taken this way, I used GHRP-6, and rehabbed my knee to almost where it was prior to my beginning my career in athletics. If you have an injury, find yourself a good rehab protocol, and try a low dose of GHRP-6. I bet you’ll be surprised.

Oh…and this brings me to another point. I’m sure most people subscribe to the theory that peptides only last for a couple of weeks in their reconstituted form. Well, after I had my GHRP-6 reconstituted for well over a month, I tried a shot at my old 600mcg dose, and guess what happened? Yeah, I got a huge increase in appetite within the hour. This tells me that we’re really underestimating the amount of time that a reconstituted peptide can retain its potency. I’m betting we have months, not weeks.

Since GHRP-6 acts directly on the feedback loop which signals the inhibition of GH release, it has been used immediately following either GH or IGF-1 cycles, to recover natural GH production by inhibiting somatostatin action. It has also been used concurrently with those compounds to negate some of the effects of those compounds on natural GH production. Most people who use IGF never actually realize that as IGF is part of the hormonal cascade that GH initiates, it is also part of the Negative feedback loop for it. Typical doses of GHRP-6 range from 100mcg/day injected subcutaneously (for connective tissue strengthening) to 500mcg/day (for an anabolic effect). After experimentation with a wide variety of doses, and input from several people who have also used the product, I think that 500mcg/day is the upper limit of effective dosing for GHRP-6.

The most rapid side effect experienced with GHRP-6 is extreme hunger, which typically occurs within an hour of injection. This could be due to a possible effect on blood sugar lowering, or more likely (I suspect) due to its influence on Ghrelin (5), stimulated by the peptide influenced release of GH. Ghrelin, by the way, increases appetite and speeds gastric emptying. This means…even if you weren’t hungry a second ago, and your Ghrelin levels go up too much…you’ll be starving soon.

If I were looking to figure out the best way to use GHRP-6 in a bulking cycle, I would simply take my favorite bulking cycle, and run GHRP-6 with it at a daily dose of 600mcg/day, shot post-workout. The reason for the post-workout dosing is to take advantage of the appetite stimulating properties, at the same time as taking maximum advantage of the anabolic properties of the GH release that it will cause. And I’d probably consider using some insulin as well, because insulin is highly anabolic on its own, but also because the GH response to GHRP-6 is elevated with concurrent use of insulin (6). Again, this is only how I’d do it personally, and I’m sure people will experiment with things and find the optimal way to get the results they want on an individual basis. GHRP-6 and this is no exaggeration, will put as much weight on you as nearly any steroid. If you’re not careful, you’ll gain too much fat…my recommendation is to use this stuff on your off season bulking cycles.

Overall, I was pretty impressed with GHRP-6, in my experience with it. Its ability to put weight on me was actually too potent, although the strength gains were nice. Now, I’ll mostly use GHRP-6 for post cycle therapy from IGF use, or when I need to get rid of an injury.

I’ve never used Growth Hormone (let’s face it…it’s expensive, and Lr3IGF-1 + MGF is a much better buy), but when I used Hexarelin, I experienced most of the results that GH users report, but in much less time. Out of the two GH secretagogues that I tried (Hexarelin and GHRP-6), Hexarelin is definitely my favorite. In my own personal case, I’m 28 years old right now, and not looking to add any more mass. I can comfortably maintain my bodyweight with my doctor-prescribed anabolics (I’m on permanent Hormone Replacement Therapy), and now I mostly focus on athletic-oriented goals. So strength gains without much weight, and maybe a bit of bodyfat loss, are my primary concerns. If I were in my early 20’s and still looking to gain weight, I’d probably be in love with GHRP-6, but for this stage of the game, I prefer the effects I’ve found with Hexarelin.

Hexarelin is a GH secretagogue, specifically a hexapeptide which stimulates the release of growth hormone (GH) in both GH deficient as well as normal humans. When given by injection, plasma growth hormone concentrations increased (with a dose-dependent response curve). Growth Hormone levels peak at the half-hour mark after injection, then decreasing to baseline values within roughly four hours (half-life is about 55 minutes). (7)

Of course, as we know from other peptides like GHRP-6, this type of surge in Growth Hormone levels has been positively correlated with increases in strength, muscle hypertrophy, and fat loss. Therefore, the many advantages of having GH secreted in larger amounts via administration of Hexarelin are comparable to the effects of injectable growth hormone administration. In my own case, I found that Hexarelin increased my strength and even aided with fat-loss a bit, but didn’t put much weight on me at all. This makes it very different from GHRP-6, which piles tons of weight on me.

Although my knee injury was, for the most part, totally healed from my use o GHRP-6, I suspect that Hexarelin would have produced very similar results or that purpose. That’s because, as we already know, increasing GH levels elicits a favorable increase in bone mineral density. When I used Hexarelin, however, I was mostly interested in the increase in GH which would provide me with both increased mitosis and meiosis (each of which leads to hypertrophy, i.e. increased muscle size), triglyceride hydrolysis which helps aid in fat loss. And since there are GH receptors (though no IGF-1 receptors) in adipose tissue, I decided to use my Hexarelin subcutaneously in my abdomen. Even though the GH response is systemic (whole-body), it couldn’t hurt to concentrate the shots where fat is more highly concentrated (which in males is the abdomen). I used 200mcg/day of Hexarelin, shot sub-q (in my case, being under 100kgs, this is just slightly over the maximum response I later found out).

Hexarelin enhanced GH secretion also leads to the liver secreting more IGF-1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1). IGF-1 is thought to be the primary causative factor in the anabolic effects of Growth Hormone. It needs to be noted at this point that data on this is actually conflicting, and I’ve seen studies where (somehow?) Hexarelin elicits a release in GH without a commensurate increase in IGF-1 levels. In my own experience with Hexarelin, I found it to be reasonably anabolic on its own, and think that the But lets be realistic here; it’s important to realize that Hexarelin is not going to produce results similar to high dose GH cycles, in the normal person. This is because Hexarelin only stimulates the increase of GH, and has been found to be effective up to 2mg/kg, but after that dose does not really produce more results in terms of GH secretion (7). Thus, a dose of 2mgs/kg is the upper limit for Hexarelin use, while GH users in the professional ranks of athletics and bodybuilding have gone as high as 10iu/day. Hexarelin, at 2mg/kg of bodyweight has been compared by most users to the type of results seen with 1-2iu/day of GH. At the price, though, Hexarelin is a much better alternative. If you need the type of results that 3iu+/day of GH are going to give you, then that’s an impossibility with Hexarelin use. Still, for the price and for the effects, this stuff is a steal when compared with using 2iu of GH every day.

One of my powerlifter friends (read: Lab Rats), who assists me in some of my research used Hexarelin while training for a meet. He had the dual purpose of rehabbing a shoulder as well as trying to increase his bench press. As you probably could have guessed, his bench went up, and his shoulder seemed to have healed. He was using roughly half the dose of Hexarelin I recommend for hypertrophy and fat loss, which worked out to about 50mcg/day shot 2x a day in the injured shoulder. His shoulder healed up nicely, and his strength went up a bit. Neither myself nor my friend had any increased appetite on Hexarelin, and I suspect that this is because it has a much less profound effect on Ghrelin levels. The strength gains we both received from its use were very similar to those experienced with GHRP-6, but with very little weight gain, and negligible fat loss. Hexarelin is a nice addition to a cutting cycle, to make maximum use of the GH response to both anabolic steroids as well as the GH induced response from training. And, it never hurts to include something that’s going to help your joints on a cutting cycle, since we know that the typical compounds used in a cutting cycle (Winstrol, etc…) often cause joint problems. We can use the added GH from the Hexarelin to help protect our otherwise compromised joints on a cycle, without spending tons of money on GH.

Unlike GH, however, some attenuation to Hexarelin occurs by week 4, and continues on up to 16 weeks of use. By separating Hexarelin cycles by 4 week off periods, this attenuation can be totally reset, (9) and the next cycle of Hexarelin will produce the same level of results as the first cycle. During a cutting cycle, I recommend using Hexarelin for the weeks where compounds such as Winstrol are used, and continuing its use for the duration of the cycle. If you’re using Lr3IGF-1 on your cutting cycle, then I recommend saving the Hexarelin for after the IGF use is over. Although, many athletes use Hexarelin alone, others have used it after a Growth Hormone or Insulin-Like Growth Factor one cycle, to as a form of Post-Cycle Therapy for the recovery of their own natural GH and IGF-1 production. Again, for this purpose, 2mg/kg, injected subcutaneously is the proper dose per day.

Although they’re new, and haven’t been experimented with too extensively in the bodybuilding community, I think that both GHRP-6 and Hexarelin will be used more commonly in the coming months and years. It took me far too long to jump on the bandwagon with IGF, and I was far too slow to begin my personal experimentation with MGF, so when these two peptides became available to me, I didn’t want to let the opportunity go for too long. Now, after some pretty extensive personal experimentation with these two peptides, I think that Hexarelin is a great anabolic addition to a cutting cycle, and GHRP-6 is probably the most potent (non-steroid) weight gainer that I’ve ever used. Considering the price, legal status, and availability, these two are probably going to find their way into quite a few cycles over the next few years.


Jim Tamborello

President Of Precisionpeptides


Precision Peptides Good Explanation on IGF-1 LR3

IGF 1 LR3 profile and use

Type- IGF-1 Long R3 (Anything else is not as effective, and if the person providing it for you doesn’t know anything about it, you are asking for trouble.)

2. Storage- the most popular (and most effective) way to store, transport, preserve IGF is by suspending it in sterile BA in a sterile vial.

This will keep your IGF 99% potent for many months at a time in just about ANY indoor storage, I.E.-closet, drawer, etc. (Take it from me, I stored mine because I wasn’t ready to use it for about 6 months in my closet… I had fears about its potency, then I started my first week, and BAM I practically cleaned out the fridge.

3. Use- Usage should not exceed 4-5 weeks, and an OFF period should be about the same. Daily dosages work best (split up into 2 seems to make little difference in the Long R3 version) Most people see results at about 40mcg/day, some use as low as 30mcg/day, and some folks even use 80-100mcg. I SUGGEST to ALL first time users no matter what level, to start at about 40-50mcg/day.

4. Administration- I believe in IM injections over sub q, but either seems to be effective. I like IM better because IM using a slin pin is probably the least painful thing one could imagine, even at two times per day. Also, sub Q shots that contain BA, even diluted BA, can leave little nodules that you may not want to feel on your stomach.

5. Mixing- Most IGF comes suspended in BA. Hopefully it is @ 500mcg/ml or even 333mcg/ml (that would be at 2ml/mg and 3ml/mg respectively) Draw out your desired amount and back load a slin pin. Add enough bacteriostatic Water to fill the U100 syringe completely.

Some inject immediately before training, while others choose to do 2 shots spread throughout the day… THEY BOTH WORK WELL. Try both; see which method makes your muscles pop out of your skin.

6. Add plenty of protein, and don’t shy away from carbs immediately after training. I used up to 100g of carbs after training, and my body fat went down, all without cardio.

I hope that helps a little, and I’m glad to be lurking around this board again.

More to come.


The most effective form of IGF is Long R3 IGF-1, it has been chemically altered and has had amino acid changes, which cause it to avoid binding to proteins in the human body and allow it to have a much longer half-life, around 20-30 hours. “Long R3 IGF-1 is an 83 amino acid analog of IGF-1 comprising the complete human IGF-1 sequence with the substation of an Arg(R) for the Glu (E) at position three, hence R3, and a 13 amino acid extension peptide at the N terminus. This analog of IGF-1 has been produced with the purpose of increasing the biological activity of the IGF peptide.”

“Long R3 IGF-1 is significantly more potent than IGF-1. The enhanced potency is due to the decreased binding of Long R3 IGF-1 to all known IGF binding proteins. These binding proteins normally inhibit the biological actions of IGF’s.”

It is also not as expensive since a media grade version is available which is sufficient for bodybuilding use. There is also a receptor grade available but it is VERY expensive and the only noticeable difference between the two would only be able to be noticed in a laboratory setting. The price on the black market for Long R3 IGF-1 can be seen anywhere from $300-$500 per milligram depending on the source, be wary of black market dealers of any IGF since it is a VERY difficult item to obtain. As mentioned IGF is a research product and is only available from a few laboratories in the world and is only available to research companies and biotechnology institutions. For the rest of this article when I say IGF I am now referring to Long R3 IGF-1 for simplicity sake.

Any form of IGF is ONLY supplied in a lyophilized form, which means a dry powder state. NEVER PUCHASE PRE-DILUTED LIQUID IGF!!!! There is no such product made anywhere in the world and even if there were real IGF ever present in the vial it would all be dead by the time you receive it. IGF is a very delicate peptide and must be diluted by yourself, where you have access to a refrigerator and freezer. There has also been a lot of talk by certain sources claiming to have IGF made by the Eli Lilly company, to clear things up Lilly is a pharmaceutical company and as stated IGF is a research drug and has not yet been approved, Lilly does not and never has manufactured research drugs for retail sale.

The diluents you will need for the IGF are a weak concentration of hydrochloric acid and a sterile buffer (sterile water or bacteriostatic water) the procedure for diluting the IGF is not very difficult, the diluents can be obtained from most local chemical suppliers and a good source of IGF would also be able to supply the necessary diluents.

The most effective length for a cycle of IGF is 50 days on and 20-40 days off. The most controversy surrounding Long R3 IGF-1 is the effective dosage. The most used dosages range between 20mcg/day to 120+mcg/day. IGF is only available by the milligram, one mg will give you a 50 day cycle at 20mcg/day, 2mg will give you a 50 day cycle at 40mcg/day, 3mg will give you a 50 day cycle at 60mcg/day, 4mg will give you a 50 day cycle at 80mcg/day and so on. The dosage issue mainly revolves around how much money you have to spend, plenty of people use the minimum dosage of 20mcg/day and are happy with the results, and in fact several top bodybuilders use the 20mcg/day dosage and are pleased with the results. IGF is most effective when administered subcutaneous and injected once or twice daily at your current dosage. The best time for injections is either in the morning and/or immediately after weight training.

Another frequently asked question of IGF refers to the real world results; in terms of pure weight gain don’t expect to gain 5 lbs. a week like you may off of anadrol or a similar steroid. The only weight you will gain from IGF use is pure lean muscle tissue, with steroids most of the weight gained is water weight. With an effective dosage you can expect to gain 1-2 lbs of new lean muscle tissue every 2-3 weeks and these effects can be increased with the use of testosterone, anabolic steroids, and insulin use. Increased vascularity is also very common, people report seeing veins appear where they never have before. And yet another effect reported is the ability to stay lean while bulking with heavy dosages of steroids and TONS of food while on an IGF cycle, this is perhaps the most pleasing effect. Increased pumps are also noticeable almost immediately, the pumps can almost become painful, and pumps are even noticeable when doing cardio.

Overall, IGF is a very exciting drug due to its ability to alter ones genetic capabilities. If you can find a trustworthy source and you use it correctly it can be a VERY useful tool in your bodybuilding drug arsenal.

Insulin-Like Growth Factor Recombinant 3

IGF-1 R3

IGF1 stands for insulin like growth factor. It mimics insulin in the human body and also at the same time makes the muscles more sensitive to insulin’s effects. It is a growth factor and is the most potent one in the human body at that. IGF causes muscle cell hyperplasia, which is an actual splitting and forming of new muscle cells. This was thought to only be possible during puberty. IGF is much more potent at this effect than growth hormone is, in fact almost all of the effects you see from growth hormone come from the increased amount of IGF that your liver produces when the GH is destroyed. So it would be very easy to say that IGF is a much more potent and cheaper alternative to GH use, although GH is more effective for fat loss than IGF due to some other effects that it causes such as metabolism increase and the ability to effectively use more insulin, t3, and anabolic steroids.

Another advantage that IGF has over GH is that it has much more of an affinity to attach to muscle cells instead of bone and organ cells. Growth hormone has been know to cause a lot of organ enlargement and bone elongation since it attaches to all types of receptor cells. IGF is much more likely to go where we want it, our muscle cells. IGF-1 attaches to myogenic stem cells, which are only located in muscle and connective tissues. These myogenic stem cells are responsible for the production of myoblast cells, which in turn are responsible for the buildup and repair of connective tissues (ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and joints to a certain extent).

So from this you can see that IGF-1 is great for increasing the strength of tendons and also for helping to heal existing injuries while at the same time helping to prevent them. IGF-1 is also responsible for increased protein synthesis and amino acid synthesis.

IGF does not have to be used along with anabolic steroids, GH, insulin, or thyroid hormones to be effective. It causes muscle growth on its own. In fact some people prefer to use it during their breaks from steroid cycles since IGF has no effect on natural test production. It could effectively be used along with HCG, Clomid, and PGF2a for a hell of an off cycle stack which would allow your body to return to normal and still allow you to grow!! On its own IGF will give an increase of around 2 lbs. of new solid lean muscle tissue every two weeks, and is also is know for its ability to strip off body fat and GREATLY increase vascularity, body fat decreases of 5-8% over a 50 day cycle are not uncommon. But, of course you will be much happier with the results if you use the IGF along with anabolic steroids, testosterone, and insulin.

The use of steroids along with the IGF allow you to quickly mature and strengthen the new muscle tissue that the IGF has formed, and may also speed the process of hyperplasia. If you need any help setting up a great stack to

use along with the IGF just let me know and I can help you out. I speak with lots of top bodybuilders and guru’s so I am very knowledgeable.

The dosage issue for IGF is where the most controversy lies. Dosages used by competitive athletes most commonly range anywhere between 60mcg/day to 100+mcg/day. The trick is finding the dosage that works best for YOU. For most the best results appear when you reach a dosage of 80mcg/day, while some do

receive good results from only 40mcg/day. I personally feel the best results begin to be noticed at a dosage of 100mcg/day. I personally am using 150mcg/day during my current cycle.

Also I should let you know that the form of IGF is the Long R3 analog. It has been chemically altered and has a longer half-life than regular IGF, which only lasts about 10 minutes in the human body once injected. The Long R3 IGF-1 has a half-life of 6-10 hours, so you will only need to inject once or twice per day. The best time to inject is after lifting and in the morning, so it would be best to use half the dosage in the morning and the other half after lifting. This will take maximal advantage of IGF-1 insulin

mimicking effects. We Offer the IGF-1 Pro Pack For Research Use Only

Precision Peptides What Does CJC-1293 and CJC-1295 DO

CJC-1295/CJC-1293 is a peptide analogue of GHRH. Because of the way CJC-1295 is engineered its half life has been extended from ~7 minutes to greater than 7 days!

ue to the extremely long half life of CJC-1295 it is plausible to use this peptide once per week with outstanding results. It would be wiser to use ½ dosages twice per week to keep serum levels high and to get maximal.

Various experiments have been conducted to test the effectiveness of CJC-1295 in vivo and the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism has reported dose-dependent increases in mean plasma GH concentrations by 2-10 fold for more than 6 days and increased IGF-1 concentrations 1.5-3 fold for 9-11 days after a single injection.

Not only that but they proved the mean half life to be 5.8-8.1 days and after multiple doses showed mean IGF-1 levels remained above baseline for up to 28 days following! No serious adverse reactions were reported in any group.

Another very positive benefit of CJC-1295/CJC-1293 is its ability to promote slow wave sleep. Slow wave sleep is also known as deep sleep and is the portion of sleep responsible for the highest level of muscle growth and memory retention. SWS are decreased significantly in older adults and also with people who tend to exercise later in the evening. This peptide has a benefit to side effect ratio that exceeds all others currently being legally sold and would make a great addition to ones training regimen or post cycle therapy.

Precision Peptides Carries CJC-1293 and CJC-1295 at the best perices and the best quality

Precision Peptides The Best Research Peptides

Precision Peptides has been producing the best research peptides for years. They have the highest quality and by far the best prices. All the other peptide companies higher people on boards to try to bash them. Guess what many of the new companies are run by disgruntled ex-employees.
These people were fired or quit and thought they could do it better.

Problem is they can't get the same source. Not only that they can't fund it and do very small buys meaning the same clenbuteral that precision peptides sells for only $10 they sell for $60! Other peptide companies due to their lack of budget have to sell very high. That's great if you want to get ripped off due to them working from their home.

What is even funnier is that some other peptide companies are so broke that they pull customers money together and then tell customers it's back ordered. That's shady as it gets. To make matters worse some of these so called owners credit is so bad they can't set up a merchant account to take credit cards.

Be very weary if someone wants you to paypal, or send a money order to them. All that means is they have no credit and can not get a proper merchant account to accept your credit card. Precision Peptides can handle a ton of volume on their merchant account.

So the only tool these rinky dink peptide companies have is small forums where they pay people and moderators to talk smack. That's why Precision Peptides went to the real boards at RX Muscle and Muscular Development. One because they have more integrity there and they are way bigger. Plus since Precision Peptides is a huge company they can afford too.

So the facts so out weigh paid nay sayers on boards. Precision Peptides makes the highest quality research peptides on the market. They ship the same day they get orders. They have a real offfice and manufacturing plant in Land O'Lakes, Florida. Precision Peptides is the only research peptide company with the proper licensing that they show and prove. They have a huge merchant account to handle massive volume. They never are out of stock or will have you paypal or send a money order.

The best thing is Precision Peptides is about six times cheaper than any competition because they buy in bulk. So not only do you get the very best quality you also get rock bottom prices allowing you to buy a lot more peptides.

Visit Precision Peptides Website at